title: “Show system temperature on a mini i2c (9E6018A0) screen via Arduino Nano”
Git: using different SSH keys in your repos
Posted on 3 Oct 2024 - 21:47
Git: using different SSH keys in your repos When working with different projects and especially if you are a contractor that interacts with multiple clients, a common situation is that you have to access gitlab, bitbucket, github or other git cloud service with different credentials, usually to maintain access to other repositories while using an ssh-key that’s specific for a client. Generating the key pair If you haven’t generated a key yet, use the ssh-keygen command in git-bash. This generates public and private keys, by default in c:/Users/your_username/.ssh/. Make sure you specify a name for your new key that doesn’t overwrite any of the ones that are present in the .ssh folder. In this example our key is called id_rsa_second. If you don’t know how to add the generated public to your bitbucket account, see how to Set up personal SSH keys on Windows in Bitbucket Cloud.
Calculating Triangle Normals
Posted on 23 Jul 2022 - 13:10
Unity’s Mesh class nicely exposes the mesh’s topology and allows us to manipulate it with ease. The access to vertex positions, triangles and normals is immediate thanks to the availability of properties like Mesh.vertices, Mesh.triangles and Mesh.normals. Nonetheless, all developers who do any wizardry on meshes unavoidably come across a blind spot: triangle normals. Many think that Mesh.normals will give enough intormation to know what way the triangle is facing but they soon discover that the vectors that come with Mesh.
Compute width and height from diagonal and aspect ratio
Posted on 8 Nov 2021 - 11:42
Problem When the information about a screen, a window or a generic rectangle is limited to its diagonal and an the aspect ratio (the width divided by the height) and we need to know width and height, we have a little problem. It must be easy right? Well.. not as obvious as most people expect (how many of your friends know the right answer?) but still the solution isn’t difficult and it’s a nice example of use of some known quadratic formulas.
Show system temperature on a mini i2c (9E6018A0) screen via Arduino Nano
Posted on 23 Apr 2021 - 15:45
Introduction This is a project showing How to wire the I2C display to an Arduino How to retrieve the CPU temperature (or other values) from Linux’s sysfs How to use the RS232 library by wjwwood How to connect to the Arduino Nano and send data How to receive data in Arduino How to display data through the nice graphics library by Adafruit —— (also how to scribble with that library) We will build a minimal C++ console application that retrieves a temperature value from Linux’s sysfs and sends it to a serial port.